There are a few new Jimmy Dean coupons that came out today!
Jimmy Dean bowls and crumbles are on sale at Giant Eagle starting Thursday so if you like the prodcut you may want to print them. Each link below will take you directly to the coupon.
Saving you money as you shop!
I found this great Jello deal at Giant Eagle last night!
Buy four (4) Jello Puddings in the refrigerated section 2/$4
(4) $1/1 or (2)$1/2 Jello Pudding coupons 10/21 SS
$1/2 printable coupon
Pay $4
Get a $3 catalina!!
=as low as $0.25 for 4 packages after (4) $1/1 coupons and catalina!!!
Awesome deal!! These are on sale through Wednesday.
I was at Giant Eagle tonight and spotted a great deal on marshmallows, well “GhostMallows” and “Ice Cream Cone MarshMallows”. While I found this at Giant Eagle in Elyria, you’ll probably find these at your store too!
Jet Puffed Ghostmallows or Ice Cream Cone MarshMallows – .75 each
-.50/2 printable Jet Puffed Marshmallow coupon
= .25 each wyb 2!
*I just found these tonight and there were a lot there!
Check out this rare, high value coupon that was just released! I found a small version of this product at Dollar Tree for only $1!
Smuckers Topping -$1
-.75 printable Smuckers coupon
= .25
Anyone know what this runs at Giant Eagle or Apples? Let me know if you find out!
Woohoo!!! Check out this new coupon for Cool Whip!
Cool Whip – $1.25 each
– $1/2 printable coupon
= .75!!!
Hi my name is Rachel and am a stay-at-home mom to three boys. I’ve been “couponing” for over 10 years and I absolutely love to save money! I enjoy not only finding great deals but also sharing them with others. I hope that you will follow along on my money saving journey!
EMAIL: couponingwithrachel(at)hotmail(dot)com.
Along with being a wife and mother I'm also a weekly columnist for two local papers, The Chronicle Telegram and Medina Gazette and appear regularly on TV and radio. I also teach local coupon classes throughout the year.
Hi my name is Rachel and am a stay-at-home mom to three boys here in northeast Ohio. I've been "couponing" for over 5 years and it has completely … [Click To Find Out More...]