This HOT deal is back but only for a limited time!
RUN over to LivingSocial where you can snag a ONE -Year BJ’s Membership + Free $25 BJ’s Gift Card for only $35! That makes a year’s membership only $10 after giftcard! That’s one CRAZY deal! This is a $75 value and the $25 gift card can be used toward both in-Club purchases and BJ’s Gas.
Please note that this LivingSocial offer is valid only for NEW member and no valid until 48 hours after purchase. You’ll need to redeem the LivingSocial voucher at BJ’s by 5/31/15 to receive your one-year Membership card.
Did you know that BJ’s is the ONLY wholesale club that accepts manufacturer coupons? In fact not only do they let you use them but they are stackable with BJ store coupons. Best of all you can one one manufacturer coupon PER item in a multi-pack as long as there is a bar code on each item! How cool is that savings?
Please use my link! We will both get a $10 credit.
You can use yours right away towards this deal, making it only $25
Aslo use code (( 15FORU )) making it ONLY $19.75 .
you only pay $19.75 for BJ member + $ 25 BJ gift card