Fligner’s chicken deal
Hey locals! Fligner’s, in Lorain, Ohio is once again offering a HOT deal on boneless, skinless chicken breasts! You can grab a chicken breasts for only $1.29/lb when you buy a 40 lb box. Now, 40 lbs may sounds like a lot but keep in mind that you can always split it with a friend or family member.
If you are new to Fligner’s chicken, you’ll want to be sure to have freezer bags on hand as the 4o lbs of chicken usually come is 4 bags in a large box. Once home, I separate the chicken into dinner portions.
While at Fligners you may also be interested in:
- Roma tomatoes – $.99/lb
- Head of lettuce – $.69 (with in-ad coupon)
- 10lb bag of potatoes – $2.99
- Fresh mushrooms (8 oz) – $.99
- American Deli cheese – $2.59/lb (5lb block)
- Shurefine 2L sodas – $.25 (with in -ad coupon with purchase of $5 or more)
Thanks: Melissa!
Hey Rachel, is this a pretty reliable place for their meat? I’ve never been there and 40 lbs is a lot for me to “just try”! Ever have any bad experience from them?
I really like Fligners meat! Call the store to make sure it is the loose kind. Last time I purchased it it was pre-packaged Tyson. While I didn’t have a problem with it, I prefer their loose kind that you bag yourself.
Thanks so much!