Hurry! For a limited time, you can request a coupon valid for a FREE 2-liter bottle of A&W Root Beer Regular or Diet (up to $1.99 value)!
Simply fill out the form and “Take the Pledge” to to go technology- free for one hour every Friday night this summer and you’ll receive a coupon valid for a FREE 2-liter bottle of A&W Root Beer (up to $1.99 value). Even better, at the bottom of the form, you’ll have your choice to have the coupon mailed to you or you’ll be able to immediately print it.
IMPORTANT: Request that the coupon be mailed to you as some stores will not allow you to redeem a printed coupon that is valid for a free item.
Thanks, Mary and Jessica
Tammy carter says
Love root beer floats!!!!
Elizabeth says
I missed out,