This HOT $.75/1 Oscar Mayer P3 printable coupon reset!! This means even if you printed it last time I shared this deal you’ll be able to print it again!
**Don’t forget about the FREE Fiber One Fruit Snacks at Giant Eagle!
Oscar Mayer P3 Lunchables $1.89 (reg. price)
$.75/1 Oscar Mayer P3 Printable (Giant Eagle will double)
= $.39
I was unable to locate these at the Sheffield Giant Eagle…have you seen them at Elyria?? Thanks
I’m confused and new to couponing. Since these are $1.89 how does a .75 coupon make them only .39?
Great question, Steve! Sorry to confuse you. Giant Eagle double all coupon that are up to $.99. This means a $.99 coupon is worth $1.98 and a $.75 coupon is worth $1.50. Neat, huh?